Discover the of ✍ (Ascii)Docs

The Documentation Chronicles

“Tech Writing Against Word.”

The Documentation Chronicles

“Asciidoctor saves the day!”

The Documentation Chronicles

“The adaptive storm.”

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Ascii Art?

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AsciiDoc is…
lightweight markup
publishing toolchain

Mild punctuation mild

“It’s just text, mate”

Text, how sublime

A modern, open source implementation of AsciiDoc in Ruby

Ruby gem
asciidoc processor
AsciiDoc processor

Let’s compare AsciiDoc…

= ``The Documentation Chronicles''
Doc Writer <>
v1.0, 2013-11-11: The first epic adventure.
:toc: left
:icons: font

Chronicles _inexplicable_ hazards, *vicious* beasts & the battle to tame them.

== Writing Without Pain

A paragraph is just a paragraph. No special syntax required.

* Coffee
* Beer

WARNING: Beware of untested `code`. The ((Wolpertinger)) will find you!

puts 'Beer, the cure for the common <XML>-hell.'

…to Markdown

# "The Documentation Chronicles"

Chronicles _inexplicable_ hazards, **vicious** beasts & the battle to tame them.

## Writing Without Pain

A paragraph is just a paragraph. No special syntax required.

* Coffee
* Beer
* [](Devoxx)

<div class="warning">
  <p>Beware of untested <code>code</code>. The Wolpertinger will find you!</p>

{% highlight ruby %}
puts 'Beer, the cure for the common <XML>-hell.'
{% endhighlight %}

…to DocBook

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "">
<book xmlns="" lang="en">
        <title>&#8220;The Documentation Chronicles&#8221;</title>
                    The first epic adventure.

…to DocBook (and going…)

          Chronicles <emphasis>inexplicable</emphasis> hazards,
          <emphasis role="strong">vicious</emphasis> beasts &amp;
          the battle to tame them.
    <chapter id="_writing_without_pain">
        <title>Writing Without Pain</title>
            A paragraph is just a paragraph. No special syntax required.

…to DocBook (at last!)

                <simpara><ulink url="">Devoxx</ulink></simpara>
                Beware of untested <literal>code</literal>. The
                <indexterm><primary>Wolpertinger</primary></indexterm> will find you!
        <programlisting language="ruby" linenumbering="unnumbered">
            <![CDATA[puts 'Beer, the cure for the common <XML>-hell.']]>

Remember the AsciiDoc?

= ``The Documentation Chronicles''
Doc Writer <>
v1.0, 2013-11-11: The first epic adventure.
:toc: left
:icons: font

Chronicles _inexplicable_ hazards, *vicious* beasts & the battle to tame them.

== Writing Without Pain

A paragraph is just a paragraph. No special syntax required.

* Coffee
* Beer

WARNING: Beware of untested `code`. The ((Wolpertinger)) will find you!

puts 'Beer, the cure for the common <XML>-hell.'

see the big picture

gedit asciidoc outline
export icon


Document AST

AST extensions

Syntax extensions


Asciidoctor Java


The Ruby Programming Language on the JVM

AsciidoctorJ processor
AsciidoctorJ usage
AsciidoctorJ build plugins

Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript.

Atwood's law



A Ruby to JavaScript cross compiler

asciidoctorjs compile
asciidoctor.js compilation
github sample
AsciiDoc rendering on GitHub
docgist sample
chrome sample
Asciidoctor.js Browser Extension
asciidoctor websockets
Asciidoctor + WebSockets

Unicode compliant++


Don’t let the "Ascii" in AsciiDoc fool you. AsciiDoc and Asciidoctor have full unicode support.

The Unicode Standard is the universal character-encoding scheme for written characters and text.

Symbol party!

asciidoctor styles
Design Legibility & Aesthetics
= Discover the '☯' of ✍ **[subtle]##(##Ascii[subtle]##)##Doc**s
Dan Allen <[@mojavelinux]>
v2.1, Dec 4, 2013
:hashtag: #asciidoctor #rwx
:copyright: CC BY-SA 2.0
:dzslides-aspect: 16-9
:icons: font

== The Documentation Chronicles

``Tech Writing Against Word.''

== !


== The Documentation Chronicles

``Asciidoctor saves the day!''

== !


Drop the </>
not the semantics

“It’s just text, mate”

Experience writing zen!