7 Ways toHack Your BraintoWrite Fluently

Dan Allen · opendevise.io · @mojavelinux

Write in plain text

Publish everywhere

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"
  <title>Belgium in a nutshell</title>
        <link xlink:href="http://devoxx.be">Devoxx</link>
= Writing Without Pain
Author Name <author@example.org>

A paragraph is just a paragraph.
No pain involved.

== Belgium in a nutshell

* Beer
* Chocolate
* http://devoxx.be[Devoxx]
= Document Code Without Pain
Author Name <author@example.org>

Code is a first-class citizen!

System.out.println("AsciiDoc loves code!");

TIP: Use the include directive to insert tested code.

Answer a question

How do I install an app?

Installing an app


== Traditional

When you write text, you cram all statements together on a single line. This makes reordering sentences difficult. If you hardwrap the text, it leads to reflows.
== Traditional

When you write text, you cram all statements together on a single line. This makes reordering sentences difficult. If you hardwrap the text, it leads to reflows.
== Sentence-per-line

When you write code, you put each statement on its own line.
Sentence-per-line assumes the style of code.
This technique transformed my writing process.
== Sentence-per-line

Sentence-per-line assumes the style of code.
When you write code, you put each statement on its own line.
This technique transformed my writing process.

Draft in comments

* consolidate ending
* make revisions to story
* add point about resilience
Don't bore the community with discussion of your product.
It creates us vs them scenario, makes them outsiders.
And never treat community as just a marketing channel.
Don't bore the community with discussion of your product.
// It creates us vs them scenario, makes them outsiders.
And never treat community as just a marketing channel.
Don't bore the community with discussion of your product.
It creates us vs them scenario, makes them outsiders.
And never treat community as just a marketing channel.
Words are powerful tools in your quest to connect with users.
//SW: The next point should be moved to Strategy
You need to choose words wisely and with intent.
That intent comes from research.
Words have *impact*.
What impact do your words have?
Is it the right impact?
//! Are your words reaching the right people?
//! Do the words reach the right people?
Do your words reach the right people?

Power thesaurus

Words %%%% people.
Words move people.

Visualize progress

Couch read

You can stay more fokused


You can stey more focused

You can stey more focused

Write with pleasure!